If you’re like me, you’ve probably got a stack of business cards in your desk drawer that you’ve kept for years. There’s nothing like being able to recommend a small business to a friend or family member. However, it’s impossible to keep them all on hand and ready to go. Until now. Recently, I discovered a free app called Haystack. Not only can you scan and store all the business cards you’ve been given, you can also create your own digital card to share with people.
The recipients of your digital card don’t even have to download the app! Never get caught without your business card again. Here’s how it works…
Step 1: Download the app
Step 2: Click "Scanner"
Step 3: Scan all your business cards
*Optional Step 4: Create your own digital card to share with people
That's it! I'd love to hear how this goes for you and if you enjoy organizational tips. They say a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind. While I can see how this would be true, I also know a cluttered desk sometimes just means work is getting done and you're prioritizing the "work" and not the organizing. So give yourself some grace if your space is messy. Try setting a 15m timer, putting your phone on do not disturb, and just tidying up for a short bit. This can help your mood and your productivity when your space is tidy, but don't let the organizing distract you too much from your top priorities for the day ;) I can tend to have more fun organizing that doing my actual work... just being real ;) I think a balance of both is great! Can't wait to hear how these tips help you!